“6·6”是个大吉大利的日子,古城寿县两家企业都选择这个时辰剪彩投产。然而“天有不测风云”,灾难往往也伴随福辰降临。 让我们把时针拨回到6月6日上午8点55分。国有民营的寿州酒厂承包经营不久,生产刚刚出现转机,厂里一片繁忙景象。早晨上班后,勾兑车间主任鲍士杭操纵潜水泵准备抽放两个盛满95°酒精大罐中的酒精勾兑白酒,由于他忽视了安全,将不防
“6 · 6” is a day of auspicious luck, the ancient city Shouxian two enterprises have chosen this hour cut and put into production. However, “there are unexpected events,” disaster often accompanied by Fuk Chen advent. Let’s switch the hour hand back to 8:55 am on June 6. Shortly after the contracted management of the state-owned private-owned Shouzhou Winery, production just turned around and the factory was in a rush. After work in the morning, the blending workshop director Bao Shih-hang manipulated the submersible pump to drain two alcohol-blending liquors in a large 95 ° alcohol jar. Since he neglected the safety, he would not prevent