Spin(polarization) is widely used in free-space optics, while in photonic integrated circuits(PICs), information is usually encoded in optical route. So a practical way to connect these two encoding methods is necessary for information communication. In this letter, an encoding convertor is designed to connect spin encoding and route encoding. Finite element method is used to calculate the conversion efficiency and extinction ratio of the encoding convertor and the theoretical analyses are also given. Our protocol shows a friendly way to convert optical spin information to route information, which will promote the compatibility of free-space optics and PICs.
Spin (polarization) is widely used in free-space optics, while in photonic integrated circuits (PICs), information is usually often encoded in optical route. So a practical way to connect these two encoding methods is necessary for information communication. In this letter, an encoding convertor is designed to connect spin encoding and route encoding. Finite element method is used to calculate the conversion efficiency and extinction ratio of the encoding convertor and the theoretical analyzes are also given. Our protocol shows a friendly way to convert optical spin information to route information, which will promote the compatibility of free-space optics and PICs.