自1978以来的25年间,中国的人均国 民生产总值每年增长了8%以上。在世界范 围内,一个人口大国能够维持如此长期的 高速增长,绝无仅有,称之为“奇迹”当 不过分。在1970年代末,没有哪一个西方 经济学家会相信中国能够达到如此之高的 增长速度,因为中国缺少每一样标准经济 学教科书视为经济增长之必要条件的东 西:完备的市场、私有产权以及有效的法 治。 回顾过去20多年路程,我们发现,中 国的经济转型基本上是沿着有利于经济效 率的轨迹向前推进的。到目前为止,我们 已经基本上完成了从计划经济到市场经济 的转型。众所周知,苏东的经济转型是剧 烈的政治变革的副产品,在很大程度上, 它是为政治变革中的激进力量服务的。而 中国经济转型的动力来自内部的力量,成 功是独一无二的。因此,解释自发的制度 变革是如何在中国实现的,就是一个同时 具有世界意义的课题。笔者认为,在中国,
In the 25 years since 1978, China’s per capita gross national product has risen by more than 8% each year. In a world where a populous nation can sustain such a long-term rapid growth, it is called “a miracle.” It should not be overemphasized. No Western economist at the end of the 1970s would believe China could achieve such a high rate of growth because China lacks everything that standard economics textbooks see as a necessary condition for economic growth: complete markets, private property rights, and Effective rule of law. Looking back over the past two decades or so, we found that China’s economic restructuring basically proceeded along the path conducive to economic efficiency. So far, we have basically completed the transition from a planned economy to a market economy. It is well known that the economic restructuring of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union is a byproduct of drastic political changes and to a large extent serves the radical forces in political change. The driving force of China’s economic restructuring comes from the internal strength, success is unique. Therefore, to explain how spontaneous institutional change was achieved in China is a topic of both world significance. In my opinion, in China,