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人类研究科学、探索未知的历史由来已久。最初只是简单地观察和推理,随着时间的推移,人类逐渐开始借助于科学仪器的力量来扩大认识的范围,Gal-ileo的望远镜使得人类可以遥望更加深邃的星空,Leeuwenhoek的显微镜让神秘的微观世界呈现在人类面前。在此后的日子里,科学仪器变得越来越强大和精密,并且帮助我们逐步加深对世界的了 It has been a long time since mankind studied science and explored the unknown history. At first, it was simply observed and reasoned that as time passed, human beings began to expand their awareness by means of the power of scientific instruments. Gal-ileo’s telescope enabled mankind to look deeper into the sky. Leeuwenhoek’s microscope enabled the mysterious microcosm Presented in front of mankind. In the days to come, scientific instruments have become more powerful and sophisticated, and have helped us to deepen our understanding of the world
今天,我们长达一个学期的“毕业季”划上了一个圆满句号。首先,我感谢即将走向人生下一站的1200多名毕业生们对我们所有老师的一片深情厚意。  同学们,你们在母校这片热土上走过了一千多个日日夜夜,撒下了泪水和汗水,留下了斑斓的脚印。你们三年中的点点滴滴,丰富了母校的校史,同时母校也给你们留下了终生值得回味的记忆。  同学们,我们该以一个什么样的姿态离开?以一个什么样的姿态踏上新的征程?三年以来,我给你