
来源 :广西政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lmh_leo
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虽然异种器官移植使一些不治之症得以根治和濒死的患者绝处逢生,有利于促进人类健康和延长人的寿命,但是它也伴随着尖锐的社会伦理和法律问题。目前我国有关器官移植的统一立法是2006年3月16日卫生部颁布《人体器官移植技术临床应用管理暂行规定》,该规定未对异种器官移植加以调整,也就是说异种器官移植目前立法处于空白。为了规范异种器官移植技术临床应用,保证医疗质量和医疗安全,保护患者生命健康及其他合法权益,笔者在本文中对异种器官移植立法的目的、原则进行探讨,设计相应的制度和责任来达到立法的效果。 Although xenotransplantation of some incurable and moribund patients perishes, contributing to human health and prolonging human life, it is accompanied by acute social ethics and legal problems. At present, China’s unified legislation on organ transplantation is promulgated on March 16, 2006 by the Ministry of Health, “Interim Provisions on the Management of Clinical Applications of Human Organ Transplantation Technology”, which has not been adjusted for xenotransplantation of organs, that is to say, the current legislation on xenotransplantation of organs is in the blank . In order to standardize the clinical application of xenotransplantation technology, to ensure the quality of medical care and medical safety, to protect the lives and health of patients and other legal rights and interests, the author discusses the purpose and principles of the legislation of xenotransplantation in this article, designs the corresponding system and responsibility to achieve the legislation Effect.