The Humanity of New Curriculum for Secondary School English Teaching Material

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  Abstract: Language is the carrier of thought, which undertaken the task of improving students’ comprehensive humanity. English is a subject which is full of humanistic characteristics. Many topics and paragraphs of the text are centralized humanistic spirit. Teachers should fully develop the humanistic connotation in their teaching, letting the students be infected and gradually improve their humanities manners.
  Key words: Humanity; Secondary school; English teaching material
  New curriculum reform requires English teachers should not only attache great importance to the teaching of basic language knowledge and the cultivation of basic English skills, but also to the study of the teaching material in order to deeply excavate the humanistic elements of the textbook. Teachers in the process of their teaching should make full use of the teaching materials, cleverly permeate humanistic education, broaden students’ horizons, form students’ cross-cultural awareness in the experience of the similarities and differences between Chinese and foreign culture, so as to raise students’ humanities. Humanism is a kind of culture pursuing health, progress and development, and it is also a kind of culture for people’s psychological need, care and paying attention to fairness and personalized culture.
  I.Focus on students’ psychological needs
  Listening and speaking is the focus of writing the teaching material, which lays foundation for the future reading and writing. New teaching material is in line with the writing ideas of combining, complementing and promoting listening and speaking, which sets up many listening and speaking practice. The humanized design concept has promoted students’ sense of language.
  II.Guide students to develop good habits
  i. The habit of students civilized terminology. “Good morning!” is first learned in Grade seven aiming to let the students enter the palace of learning English under a warming greetings. What impressed students most in Grade seven must be “Excuse Me. I 'm sorry. Thanks a lot. What can I do for you? ...” and in Grade eight, “Could you please... / Would you mind doing”. Such target languages aim to cultivate students’ courtesy.Through the language education, we can edify students’ sentiment, purify their souls, increase their confidence and courage to communicate, making their daily language specified and decent.
  ii. The habit of good living style. The reading article of Unit4 in Grade seven compares whose room is cleaner of the two sisters to cultivate the habit of students’ love of tidy and clean. The unit of “What time do you go to school?” Trains the student to develop a good sleep and work habits.Unit4 “Don 't eat in class” guides students to abide by the rules and regulations. Continuing to “Unit3 Could you both please clean you room?” of Grade eight aims to guide the students the habit of labor.   iii. The habit of good study. The design of new textbook focuses on providing related topics and pictures for the students before listening and reading, setting the corresponding questions and discussions to pave way for the students’ listening and reading. The questions designed are graded which can help students grasp and break through the difficult and important points through exploratory learning. Pairwork and groupwork make it possible for students to cooperative learning. Self-check designed in each unit allow the students to self-check and review the learned knowledge, which are all aims to guide students to form good learning habits.
  III.The embodiment of Chinese traditional culture elements in the textbooks
  This textbook has introduced Chinese traditional national culture which can enhance students’ understanding and love to our national culture and train their ability to introduce our culture in English.
  i. Chinese traditional festival
  The second unit of Grade nine concerning China’s traditional holiday -- the Mid-Autumn festival. The text leads to the Mid-Autumn festival through the story of ancient Chinese myth of “Chang e”. This unit aims to make students master the exclusive vocabularies of festivals, to introduce Chinese culture in English, to learn how to communicate and increase awareness of intercultural communication.
  ii. Chinese traditional art
  Unit 5 of Grade nine introduces the representative of Chinese traditional culture like kite, kongming lanterns, paper cutting and clay sculpture. Students understand the customs and habits related to Chinese traditional culture and art through the introduction of traditional Chinese culture elements. They can learn how to craft and produce raw material and express the symbolic meaning, improving their sense of national pride which has a subtle effect on their sensitivity in cross-cultural communication.
  iii.Chinese traditional culture
  Unit 6 of Grade nine introduces the Chinese tea culture. “Saint” is the world’s first tea book by tang dynasty Liu Yu. Chinese tea culture has significant effects on the world, which is one of the greatest contribution to human culture and civilization. Tea culture is the combination of tea art and spirit, and tea spirit is shown through tea art. Making friends by tea is one of the most widely social function of tea culture.
  IV. Attention to foreign etiquette, culture, festival
  Through this textbook, students can understand the similarities and differences between Chinese culture and foreign culture, which can develop their cross-cultural awareness.   i. Difference of Chinese and foreign customs and etiquette
  Custom culture refers to the culture of social life and communicative activities. Chinese custom varies from foreign custom. Such as unit 10 introduces etiquette and table manners of people in different countries when they first meet: Indians eat with hand grasping; The elder eat first at the dinner table in South Korea; In China you can’t inset your chopsticks into the food or knock the bowl. French table manners is that you shouldn’t put bread on the plate but on the table. All the food you eat should not be grasped to eat by hand in addition to bread; If you are full, you will not expected to say “I am full” but say “ the food is delicious”. Compare the customs of Colombia, and Swiss etiquette: date is on time, whether to inform the other party before visiting friends, after meeting activities if arranged in advance. Conversation happened may cause embarrass due to the differences of customs and etiquette.
  ii.Different cultural connotations of words and phrases
  Unit3 of section A 2d part tells us the misunderstanding caused by the different expression of toilet through a dialogue, letting the students understand restroom is toilet, or washroom, rather than lounge.
  iii. Different educational idea and method
  Unit7 of 4b mentioned different attitudes towards Chinese and foreign parents on the issue whether allow their less than 18 years old children live alone. Western parents allow their children to move out, they believe that children can take care of themselves and it is a good way to cultivate their independence. However, Chinese parents worry about their safety.
  In a word, English is a strongly humanistic discipline. English learning has a very positive meaning to improve pupils’ humanities. In the current reform of teaching system, teachers must in line with the concept of humanity service for students, strengthen their own humanities accomplishment, pay attention to the cultivation of humanistic quality of students, in order to improve students comprehensive ability and lay a solid foundation for all-round development.
  [1]教育部.2012義务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)[S].北京:北京师范大学出版社.
  [3]吴丽,挖掘教材人文性元素 巧妙渗透人文性教育[J]英语教师,2015(23):155-157
摘要:数学教学情境的创设,是指在数学教学中对教学内容的呈现采用特定的方法,以达到以下两个目标: 使学生产生某种情感体验;激发学生主动地联想、想象,积极地思维,以获得某种与新学内容有关的形象或思维成果。达到这两个目标的目的是激活学生有关的知识和经验,激发起进一步学习新知识的兴趣,从而为学习新知做好准备。  关键词:创设;情境;初中数学  一、正文  《数学新课程标准》提出:数学学习“不仅要考虑数学自
摘要:随着课堂教学的不断改革和深入,生成性课堂教学的实践表现形态是目前必然要关注和探讨的问题。所以,对生成性教学的实践研究具有十分重要的现实意义。该教学实践的提出,并不是全部否定现有的教学理论,而是对现有教学理论中的一些问题进行进一步的思考和研究。在文章中,笔者将根据小学语文阅读课生成性教学存在的误区,分析该课程生成性教学的实践问题。  关键词:小学语文;阅读课;生成性;教学实践  一、小学语文阅
摘要:小学阶段正处于学生学习的初级阶段,所学习的知识相对较为较为简单和基础,在教学中更加重要的是培养学生的学习兴趣,培养他们的创造性思维。本文从小学数学课堂教学作为探讨的目标,讨论在教学中如何去放飞学生的心灵,让学生的思维更加的灵活。  关键词:小学数学;课堂教学;策略  小学数学课程是一门极为基础的课程,但其学习的好坏将会对学生今后的学习产生较大的影响,因此在教学中应当注意其教学的方法,注重学生
摘要:对于羽毛球运动仅仅有兴趣是不够的,也不能仅限于在课堂上照本宣科,在场地上你来我往的娱乐,必须讲究技术的应用,才能达到健身强体和发展羽毛球运动的双重目的。本文结合自己的教学经验,分析了在羽毛球教学中施行竞赛法的作用,探讨了在羽毛球教学中应用竞赛法的有效途径,目的是为羽毛球教学提供参考和借鉴,更好的达成教学目标。  关键词:羽毛球教学;竞赛法;体育技能;自主学习  随着新课程改革的推进,全国各地
摘要:随着社会的发展,科技的进步,机器人时代已经不知不觉地来到我们的身边。例如在一些公共场所(酒店、宾馆、餐厅)都可以看见机器人的身影,它们的到来减轻了服务人员的工作负担。相较于“传统”的机器人,在互联网的时代“服务机器人”的出现大大提高了机器人的“服务”能力。  关键词:服务;机器人;控制;科技  1.引言  随着社会的发展,科技水平的提高,机器人逐渐的走进我们的生活。生活中服务机器人备受人们喜
摘要:本文结合学校经典诵读的开展和自己的语文教学实践,从经典诵读的意义、如何激发小学生诵读经典的兴趣以及指导诵读经典的方法三个方面来阐述对经典诵读的认识与实践,期待对推广小学经典诵读有一定启迪性和示范性。  关键词:小学;经典诵读;兴趣;方法  经典是一个民族、一个时代最有意义最有价值的著作。它是人类智慧的结晶,其中蕴含着丰富的道德资源,可以规范我们立身行事的准则。诵读经典对儿童启迪智慧,陶冶性情
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近期“任性”一词伴随着各种高富帅的言语迅速走红网络,这种不无自嘲的言语,为平常人难以触及的生活施以抱怨。但是,任性一词的意义真是如此吗?  顾及古今,从陶渊明“实迷途其未远,觉今是而昨非”的脱俗隐世,到盖茨的辍学创业。我们并没有固守自己本已拥有的,而是顺从本心,“任性”地跳脱出格局。这样的“任性”,是一种积极自信的心境,是一种不迎合世界只取悦自己的态度,是一份坚守信念不惧大难的执着。  我为这样的
摘要:本文以普通碳钢为例,解析了钢中存在的相、组织之间的关系,有助于材料工作者加深对相、组织等概念的理解。  关键词:相;组织;铁素体;奥氏体;渗碳体  作者在“机械工程材料”教学过程中认识到,许多学生对于钢中存在的相、组织等概念理解不清,很容易产生模糊认识,更谈不上对于不同的相、不同的组织组成之间的关系有正确的理解。基于此,本文拟对钢中可能存在的相、组织之间的关系进行研究,以澄清二者之间的关系。