The advent of China’s television sub-era of documentary channel has become China’s television industry’s hot and explored direction. The emergence and development of Documentary Channel is an important symbol of the entire TV industry in our country that has started to mature and is in line with international standards. It is of far-reaching significance to our television culture to a higher level. Recently, the State Administration of Radio, Film and on the revitalization of documentaries issued a series of policies, the most notable is to foster a number of documentary Star Channel, the promulgation of these policies will greatly stimulate the development of documentary channels and documentary industry revitalization, but I think Documentary channel as the more special professional channel in the focal point communication, its operation has its own particularity. It is necessary to indulge in analyzing the pros and cons of documentary channel operation in our country, to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and to find a TV documentary suitable for our country Professional channels of operation, must not rush into mass production.