新麦 9号是河南省新乡市农科所用百泉 30 47- 3×内乡 82C6杂交选育而成的半冬性小麦新品系。 1 997~1 999年参加河南省小麦品种超高产冬水组区试 ,连续 2年表现优异。 1 998年秋同时破格推荐参加河南省高肥组生产试验和黄淮南片冬水组区试 ,均表现突出。在黄淮麦区多点大面
Xinmai 9 is Xinxiang City, Henan Province, agricultural use of Baiquan 30 47 - 3 × Neixiang 82C6 hybrid breeding of semi-winter wheat lines. From 1999 to 1999, he participated in the field trial of super-high-yielding winter wheat in wheat varieties of Henan Province and achieved outstanding results for two consecutive years. In the fall of 1998, it was also highly recommended to participate in the production test of high-fat group in Henan Province and the regional test of winter-water pack in Huang-Huainan-South Section in the autumn of 1998. Huanghuai wheat more generous