榆树市供销社近几年来,尤其是中华总社成立以后,在如何做好为“三农”服务中,重点抓了在供销社院内办集贸市场这项工作,收到了良好的效果,下面把我们办集贸市场工作中的切身体会和尝到的甜头写出来,供同行们参考。 一、供销社在为“三农”服务中为什么要搞前店后场 在农村办市场已经不是什么新鲜事了,早在八十年代初期,各乡镇曾一哄而上都办起了集贸市场,但由于当时还处于计划经济时期,农民的商品意识和经济基础还很薄
In recent years, especially after China Federation of Trade Unions established, how to do a good job in the service of “Agriculture, Rural Areas and Farmers” focuses on the work of collecting and selling trade markets in the supply and marketing cooperatives and has received good results. Write us the personal experience and tasted sweetness in the work we do for the bazaars for colleagues’ reference. First, the supply and marketing cooperatives in the “three rural” service Why engage in front-store backcourt In the rural market is not nothing new, as early as the early eighties, towns and townships have hegemony to do a trade Market, but because of the planned economy at that time, farmers’ awareness of commodities and the economic foundation were still very thin