桤木(Aluus cremastogyne Burk)是我国特有的非豆科结瘤树种,四川盆地是分布中心.适应性强,耐瘠薄,是优良的荒山荒地造林先峰树种和混交林伴生树种,也是优良的燃料和木本绿肥,能有效的改良土壤,并促进林分生产力的提高,近年来,川中、川北地区营造桤柏混交林达数百万亩,固氮树种的应用日益引起重视,研究各树种的固氮能力对充分发挥资源潜力和国土整治等均有重要意义.
Aluus cremastogyne Burk is a non-legume nodule species endemic to China, and the Sichuan Basin is a distribution center. It is an excellent fuel for good afforestation in the barren hills and wastelands. And woody green manure can effectively improve the soil and promote the improvement of stand productivity. In recent years, the multi-mu plant of cypress mixed with cypress trees has been built in central and northern Sichuan. The application of nitrogen-fixing species has attracted more and more attention. The nitrogen fixation Capacity to give full play to the potential of resources and land remediation, etc. are of great significance.