Effect of high magnetic field on phase transformation temperature and microstructure of Fe-based All

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The effect of a high magnetic field up to 30T on phase transformation temperature and microstructure of Fe-based alloys has been reviewed. A high magnetic field accelerates ferrite transformation, changes the morphology of the transformed microstructures and increases the A_3 and A_1 temperature. In a magnetic field of 30T, the A_1 temperature increases by about 37.1℃ for Fe-0.8C, the A_3 temperature for pure Fe increases by about 33.1℃. The measured transformation temperature data are not consistent with calculation results using Weiss molecular field theory. Ferrite grains are elongated and aligned along the direction of magnetic field in Fe-0.4C and Fe-0.6C alloys by ferrite transformation, but elongated and aligned structure was not found in pure Fe, Fe-0.05C alloy and Fe-1.5Mn-0.11C-0.1V alloy. The effect of a high magnetic field up to 30T on phase transformation temperature and microstructure of Fe-based alloys has been reviewed. A high magnetic field accelerates ferrite transformation, changes the morphology of the transformed microstructures and increases the A_3 and A_1 temperature. The A 1 temperature increase by about 37.1 ° C. for Fe-0.8 C, the A 3 temperature for pure Fe increases by about 33.1 ° C. The measured transformation temperature data are not consistent with the calculation results using Weiss molecular field theory. Ferrite grains are elongated and aligned along the direction of magnetic field in Fe-0.4C and Fe-0.6C alloys by ferrite transformation, but elongated and aligned structure was not found in pure Fe, Fe-0.05C alloy and Fe -1.5Mn-0.11C-0.1V alloy.
她是个再普通不过的中年女人,却一夜之间变成了众人关注的焦点。  她与丈夫都是环卫工人,有个儿子,在距离20岁生日仅剩18天时,患白血病离世,她的精神世界一度崩塌。让她缓过来的,是儿子留下的一部手机。  一次翻看手机,她意外听见了熟悉的声音,儿子的手机里竟有多段留给她的录音:“妈妈,想我没?嘻嘻,一定想了对不对?”“妈妈,别哭,我爱你……”忍不住眼淚决堤。  从此她将手机随身带着,贴身藏着,时不时摩
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为了摸索样板田既出高产,又出科学的经验,既能解决点的生产问题,又能找出大面积增产措施,我们在1964年样板田的基础上扩大到三个公社,其中与省所 In order to explore the model
法律无情。谁以身试法,得到的必定是法律的严惩。本刊这一期刊登的《1996:反贪利剑继续高悬》一文披露的事实,使人触目惊心。 翻阅过去的1995年日历,我们看到的是一个个大案