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速凝剂是水泥的一种添加剂,可使水泥的凝结时间由数小时缩短到十分钟之内,为国防施工、煤炭、冶金、水电、交通和民用建筑所急需。目前已生产的红星一型速凝剂是利用纯碱作原料,由于纯碱短缺,速凝剂的生产远远不能满足国民经济各部门的需要。阳泉一型水泥速凝剂是山西省阳泉建筑工程公司和中国科学院工程力学所等单位协作,因地制宜,就地取材,用山西盛产的芒硝代碱生产的速凝剂,1974年5月由山西省科技局、山西省建委主持进行鉴定。经鉴定,在适宜参量、0.4水灰比,常温下,可使水泥净浆在五分钟内初凝,十分钟内终凝。能满足喷混凝土施工工艺要求。水泥石和喷混凝土早期强度一天,为不掺者1.5倍以 Accelerating agent is an additive of cement, which can shorten the setting time of cement from several hours to ten minutes. It is urgently needed for national defense construction, coal, metallurgy, hydropower, transportation and civil construction. The red star-type quick-setting admixture that has been produced currently uses soda ash as a raw material. Due to the shortage of soda ash, the production of quick-setting coagulant cannot meet the needs of various departments of the national economy. Yangquan-type cement quick-setting agent is a collaboration between Shanxi Yangquan Construction Engineering Corporation and the Institute of Engineering Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is adapted to local conditions, local materials, and quick-curing agent produced by the production of mirabilite alkali in Shanxi Province, Shanxi Province in May 1974 Science and Technology Bureau, Shanxi Provincial Construction Committee presided over the identification. After being identified, at the appropriate parameters, 0.4 water-cement ratio, at room temperature, the cement paste can be coagulated within five minutes and finally coagulated within ten minutes. Can meet the spray concrete construction process requirements. The early strength of cement stone and shotcrete is 1.5 times as long as
在我的家乡,打完晚稻之后,金黄的阳光铺满了大地,这正是晒红薯片的好时光。  有一天,我对奶奶说:“您教我刮红薯片好吗?”奶奶答应了,我高兴得一蹦三尺高。我和奶奶将红薯洗干净,一个个削掉皮,再将削好的红薯分成小块,放进大柴火锅里蒸。  蒸了将近一个小时后,香喷喷的热气从锅盖上飘了出来,红薯熟了。奶奶将蒸熟的红薯用锅铲铲到桶里。我用木棍一直搅拌,搅得手都酸了。等把红薯搅烂后,刮红薯片正式开始啦!  刮
解决幼儿入园适应性问题是一项长期的、系统的工作。本文对幼儿入园不适应现象及成因做出分析,并在此基础上提出相应的对策。 It is a long-term and systematic task to so