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猪蹄是人们喜欢食用的营养佳品。中医认为,猪蹄性平,味甘咸,具有补虚弱、填肾精等功能。现代营养学研究表明,猪蹄中含有较多的蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物,并含有钙、磷、镁、铁和维生素A、D、E、K等有益成分以及丰富的胶原蛋白质。食用猪蹄有利于减轻中枢神经过度兴奋,对焦虑状态及神经衰弱、失眠等也有改善作用。食用富含甘氨酸的猪蹄对调整正常的次神经元的功能活动也有积极作用。对于某些药物引起的痉挛现象,比如小腿抽筋、麻木等症状,常吃猪蹄汤也有一定的治疗和缓解作用。应该注意的是,因猪蹄含油脂较多,动脉硬化及高血压患者少食为宜;另外,痰盛阻滞、食滞者也应慎食。 Trotters are nutritional products that people like to eat. Chinese medicine believes that the trotters flat, sweet and salty, with weakness, filling kidney essence and other functions. Modern nutrition research shows that trotters contain more protein, fat and carbohydrates, and contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and vitamin A, D, E, K and other beneficial ingredients and rich in collagen protein. Edible trotter is helpful to relieve the over-excitement of the central nervous system, and also improve the anxiety state, neurasthenia and insomnia. The consumption of glycine-rich trotters also has a positive effect on the functional activity of normal suborder neurons. For some drugs caused by cramps, such as calf cramps, numbness and other symptoms, eat trotters soup also have some treatment and relief. It should be noted that, due to more fat trotters, arteriosclerosis and hypertension in patients with less appropriate; In addition, sputum Sheng block, those who eat should also Shensi.
安县大光包滑坡是汶川地震触发的最大规模滑坡,滑坡南侧暴露长约1.8 km顺层滑带,其岩体高度碎裂化,引起广泛关注。为准确评价滑带碎裂岩体的强度参数,笔者在前人研究的基础上
鱼香豆腐豆腐250克,熟鸡肉50克。将豆腐切成长4厘米、厚1厘米、宽0.5厘米的条,放入开水中焯一下。葱、姜、蒜切成末。熟鸡肉切成丝。将酱油、料酒、醋、盐、味精、白糖、淀粉放入碗中,调成汁。将油放入锅内烧热,把豆瓣酱炒出香味,加入豆腐煸炒至其表面呈黄色(注意不能把豆腐条炒碎或炒断),加入鸡丝,略翻炒,加入葱姜蒜末煸炒,同时加入味汁,炒匀即可。  特点:咸、香、甜、辣、酸五味俱全,色泽金红。  油焖