分析珠江“05·6”洪水暴露出的问题,包括西江缺乏控制性防洪枢纽工程,珠江流域水情测报能力有待提 高,部分地区防洪预案操作性不强,工程及沿河设施管理不善,已建水库滞洪削峰潜力有待挖掘,流域缺乏有效的 会商和决策手段,缺乏山洪灾害监控预警手段,病险水库威胁巨大。建议尽快成立珠江流域防汛抗旱总指挥部,将 珠江治理工程列入“十一·五”规划,加快流域控制性工程立项和建设,安排开展“05·6”洪水专项调查。
Analysis of the problems exposed by the “05 June” flood in the Pearl River, including the lack of a controlled flood control project in the Xijiang River, the capability of forecasting hydrological conditions in the Pearl River Basin to be improved, the poor operability of flood control plans in some areas, poor management of facilities and facilities along rivers, and built The potential of reservoir stagnant flood peak shedding needs to be excavated, the watershed lacks effective consultation and decision-making means, and lack of means of monitoring and warning of mountain torrent disasters. The dangerous reservoirs have a huge threat. Proposed as soon as possible the establishment of the Pearl River Basin Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, the Pearl River project included in the “Eleventh Five-Year” plan to speed up the watershed control project establishment and construction, to carry out “05 · 6” flood special investigation.