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研究了印度洋Dipole事件期间热带太平洋-印度洋海洋次表层海温异常和海面风应力异常分布主要型,揭示了Dipole事件的两种模态,探讨了其形成机制,得到如下结果:(1)印度洋Dipole事件在热带印度洋次表层海温异常表现为“<”型的东西向偶极子分布,“<”以东的热带东印度洋为沿赤道呈舌状西伸的显著海温异常中心,“<”以西的热带中西印度洋为反号的、以赤道为准对称的南强北弱显著海温异常中心.(2)印度洋Dipole事件由两种模态构成,二者具相同空间分布但具不同的时间变率,它们是两个独立的大尺度海气相互作用的结果.Dipole事件第一模态源于热带太平洋-印度洋尺度海气相互作用,它与ENSO事件共存.Dipole事件第二模态起因于热带印度洋尺度海气相互作用,它与Mascarene高压位置和强度变化紧密联系.当二者位相一致时,产生强Dipole事件,二者位相相反时,Dipole事件很弱或消失,一者较强时,Dipole事件一般也较强.(3)印度洋Dipole事件是热带印度洋海面异常风应力强迫的结果,海面异常风应力作用下产生的垂直输送导致海水堆积和涌升是造成次表层海温异常的主要动力过程.当赤道印度洋为异常东风时,热带东印度洋冷海水上升,热带西印度洋暖海水堆积,热带印度洋温跃层东浅西深;由于Coriolis力的作用,赤道海域离赤道流造成冷海水上升,赤道印度洋温跃层变浅;赤道两侧热带印度洋异常反气旋环流及旋度场,造成该异常旋度中心区域暖海水堆积,赤道外热带印度洋温跃层加深.三者共同作用产生正位相Dipole事件.热带印度洋为异常西风时,动力过程相反,产生负位相Dipole事件. During the Dipole event in the Indian Ocean, the dominant subtropical oceanic surface temperature anomalies and sea surface wind stress anomaly distributions in the tropical Pacific-Indian Ocean were revealed. Two modes of Dipole event were revealed and their formation mechanisms were discussed. The results are as follows: (1) Dipole The subtropical oceanic anomalies in the tropical Indian Ocean show an east-west dipole distribution of “<” type. The tropical East Indian Ocean to the east of the “<” is a prominent SST anomaly that extends tongue-like along the equator (2) The Dipole event in the Indian Ocean consists of two modes, and both of them have the same space, which is opposite to the tropical central and western Indian Ocean to the west of the “” Distribution but with different time variability, they are the result of two independent large-scale air-sea interactions.The first mode of Dipole event originated from tropical Pacific-Indian Ocean scale air-sea interaction which co-exists with ENSO event.The Dipole event The second mode is due to the interaction of tropical Indian Ocean scale with air-sea and it is closely related to the change of position and intensity of Mascarene high pressure. When the two phases are consistent, the strong Dipole event is generated. When the two phases are opposite, the Dipole event is weak or (3) The Dipole event in the Indian Ocean is the result of abnormal wind stress in the tropical Indian Ocean sea surface. Vertical transport caused by abnormal wind stress in the sea surface leads to seawater accumulation and ascent When the equatorial Indian Ocean is anomalous east wind, the cold seawater in the tropical East Indian Ocean rises, the warm western Indian Ocean accumulates in the tropical Indian Ocean and the eastwestern shallow thermocline in the tropical Indian Ocean becomes west-deep. Due to the Coriolis force, the equatorial sea area The cold sea water rose from the equatorial stream, and the thermocline became shallow in the equatorial Indian Ocean. The anomalous anticyclone circulation and curl field in the tropical Indian Ocean on both sides of the equator resulted in the accumulation of warm seawater in the central area of ​​the abnormal curl and the deepening of the thermocline over the equatorial Indian Ocean. When the tropical Indian Ocean is anomalous westerlies, the dynamic process is opposite, resulting in the negative phase Dipole event.
摘要:建筑工程的施工质量关系到人民生命财产的安全,同时也是支持国家经济建设的重要保证。所以我们一定要利用一切可利用的资源与条件,加强对建筑施工产品的质量控制工作,为社会交付合格的建筑工程产品。本文主要建筑工程施工质量通病产生的原因进行分析,探讨出建筑工程施工质量的预防措施。希望能给建筑工作者提供一定的帮助与参考。  关键词:建筑工程 施工质量通病措施分析  中图分类号:TU198文献标识码: A
摘要:北羊街小学规划及建筑设计方案以昆明市标准化学校建设为背景,结合小学的用地环境,从教学空间布局、礼仪、游艺及生活空间等角度对小学的规划和建筑设计进行了设计上的探讨。  关键词:小学、教礼空间 、活动环境  中图分类号:G628文献标识码: A  1.项目概况  为充分优化、整合教育资源,在此次宜良县北古城镇标准化小学建设中,将北羊街、吕广营、贾王、米户、清水塘、龙兴、合兴七所村级完小进行合并,
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知名如嵩山少林寺,竟然也需要进行网络炒作?    禅香、禅台、功夫鞋、护具甚至是“武功秘笈”——这些平日里只出现在武侠小说里的用品,竟在淘宝网上明码标价叫卖!更令人惊奇的是,经营这些产品的卖家,竟然是以中国功夫闻名世界的少林寺。2008年6月初,少林寺在淘宝网上低调开出了第一家网络店铺——“少林欢喜地”,一个月的时间里已售出二十余件商品,总价值近2000元。  记者登录“少林欢喜地”网店看到,销售
摘 要:随着我国经济的迅速发展,制造业的日益增多,也加快了机械自动化的进程。机械制造业在我国也实现了大范围的自动化,将科技成果进行广泛的应用,不仅加快了机械自动化的发展水平,同时也促进了我国科学技术的商品化进程。文章主要分析了我国机械自动化技术的应用现状及问题,从而提出了机械工程自动化技术的改善措施。  关键词:机械自动化机;技术;问题;措施  中图分类号:F407文献标识码: A  引言  机械