Japanese grass, also known as Sifang vine, is a Labiatae plants. China’s Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces have distribution. Laizhou Forest Farm in Fujian Province introduced a small amount of seeds from Guangdong in 1965 and has now settled down in a very prosperous home. Japanese grass stem square, leaves opposite; flower lip with blue, inflorescence inflorescence, the upper flowering, the lower part of the mature seeds. Stalk on the ground, not climbing, does not affect the growth of trees. High nitrogen content of stems and leaves, about 1 kg per kilogram of nitrogen. Green as a green manure can make woodland loose soil, increase fertility. It is better green feed. Woodland planted with Japanese grass, but also play a role in maintaining soil and water and controlling weeds. In the case of extensive management, fresh grass yield up to 1-2 kg per acre.