The Origin of the Problem and the Argument in the United States After the Soviet Union and the United States successfully tested the launch of intercontinental missiles in 1957, they quickly began to equip their respective missile units with the first generation of intercontinental missiles in the late 1950s. Since then, research on the intercontinental missile maneuver has been referred to the agenda of the White House and the Kremlin. The so-called intercontinental missile maneuver problem is how to make the intercontinental missile system highly mobile and not easily destroyed by the enemy so as to ensure that once the enemy’s first nuclear attack, there are still enough nuclear warheads available to the enemy Nuclear retaliation. Since the mid-1960s, when the United States and the Soviet Union started to equip the third generation of intercontinental missiles, the study of maneuvering problems has become a pressing matter of the moment. Because the main feature of the third generation intercontinental missiles is that an intercontinental missile can carry several to several dozen submunitions that can attack different targets separately and can also attack a target in a concentrated manner, and its hit precision is higher than that of the first Generation, the second generation of intercontinental missiles greatly increased. In the case of the United States, the militia type III missiles have a hit accuracy of 200-400 meters, while the use of GNSS-guided submarine missiles