专家观点之二十 平台建设突出“合作”和“学习”

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作为传统支柱产业之一,纺织业在浙江省制造业中居重要的地位,并且以形成较为成熟的产业集群为主要特征。然而,随着全球产业链分工的细化和国际竞争的加剧,纺织业面临着严峻的考验。如何推动集群企业的技术创新成为突破现有产业格局,实现产业优化升级和转变增长方式的关键所在。浙江省现代纺织技术与装备创新服务平台(以下简称为“平台”)作为集聚创新要素的重要载体,其技术资源和创新成果能够迅速被整个产业集群吸收消化,不仅帮助个体企业提高了创新能力,还提升了整个集群的绩效和竞争力,走出了一条新的路子。综观该平台的建设和发展,在其实践中主要突出了“合作”和“学习”两个主题。创新是一个复杂的系统工程,包含技术创新、制度创新、管理创新、市场创新等诸多因素。随着经济全球化的不断深入,利用和整合外部资源的能力已经成为创造价值的重要来源。开放式创新范式认为任何单位要提高技术能力,必须同时利用内外知识,有效地加以整合。平台与意大利、日本、韩国等多家知名的面料设计公司合作,长年展示其设计作品,通过合作吸收了显性和隐性的知识,增强了创新能力,也为集群企业提供了一系列的配套开发服务。此外,仅仅合作并不意味着创新能力的提高。它以引进技术知识为契机,通过持续的组织学习,重视内生技术能力的培育,实现了企业从引进消化吸收到形成系统整合能力乃至自主创新能力的跃迁。显然,开放式的组织学习是巩固、发展和积累创新性资源的重要手段,也是持续提高集群企业创新能力的关键所在。 As one of the traditional pillar industries, the textile industry occupies an important position in the manufacturing industry in Zhejiang Province, and is characterized by the formation of more mature industrial clusters. However, with the division of labor in the global industrial chain and the intensification of international competition, the textile industry is facing a severe test. How to promote the technological innovation of cluster enterprises has become the key to breaking through the existing industrial structure, realizing industrial optimization and upgrading and transforming the mode of growth. As an important carrier of the innovative elements of agglomeration, Zhejiang's modern textile technology and equipment innovation service platform (hereinafter referred to as “platform”), its technical resources and innovation achievements can be quickly absorbed and digested by the entire industrial cluster, not only helping individual enterprises to improve their innovation Ability, but also enhance the performance and competitiveness of the entire cluster, out of a new path. Looking at the construction and development of this platform, in its practice, the two main topics of “cooperation” and “learning” are highlighted. Innovation is a complex systematic project that includes many factors such as technological innovation, institutional innovation, management innovation and market innovation. With the deepening of economic globalization, the ability to utilize and integrate external resources has become an important source of value creation. Open innovation paradigm that any unit to improve technological capabilities, we must also use both internal and external knowledge, to effectively integrate. Platform with Italy, Japan, South Korea and many other well-known fabric design company for many years to display their design work, through cooperation has absorbed explicit and implicit knowledge and enhance the ability of innovation, but also for the cluster provides a series of business Supporting development services. In addition, cooperation alone does not imply an increase in innovation. It took the introduction of technical knowledge as an opportunity, through continuous organizational learning, emphasis on cultivating endogenous technical capabilities, to achieve the enterprise from the introduction of digestion and absorption to form a system of integrated ability and even the ability of independent innovation transition. Obviously, open organizational learning is an important means to consolidate, develop and accumulate innovative resources. It is also the key to continuously improve the innovation capability of cluster enterprises.
中共中央党校哲学讲师胡为雄的新作《太阳再一次从东方升起——毛泽东哲学和中国哲学的兴盛》最近由湖北教育出版社出版。该书以中国社会百年动荡、时代呼唤“救星”的 Hu W