一般的人都认为性的发育是随着青春期的到来而发生的。男孩子个子长高、呈现魁武的身材、声音变粗、阴部及腹下长起毛、脸上也长起胡子,并且开始夜里梦遗,时而排泄精液,呈现所谓的“第二性征”,这种情况被认为男孩已长大成人;而女孩子个子长高、身材变得有曲线、乳房隆起、开始按期来月经,就被认为是亭亭玉立的女人了。当男女在十几岁发生这些青春发育的变化以后,有些社会就已考虑让他们结婚、建立新家庭,并且开始生育下一代。至于青春发育前的小孩,就被认为没有性的发展与存在,只是生下来的时候已具有的“第一性征”,即解剖上男孩的阳具与女孩的阴部来区别男女性别而已。 但是,以精神分析为主的学者却认为,小孩对性的发展并非经由“青春”突然而至,而是从出生以后,在婴儿、幼儿、孩童各个阶段
Most people think that sexual development occurs with adolescence. Boys tall, showing the body of the Quebec arms, thick voice, genitals and belly hair, face also grow beard, and began to dreams at night, and sometimes excretion of semen, showing the so-called “second sexual characteristics”, which The situation is considered a boy has grown up; and girls grow tall, body becomes curvilinear, breast uplift, began menstruation on schedule, it is considered a slim woman. When these changes in adolescent development occur in both teens and teens, some societies have already considered allowing them to marry, establish new families and begin to give birth to the next generation. As for pre-adolescent children, they are considered as having no sexual development and existence, but only when they are born, they have the “first character”, that is, they dissect male and female genders by anatomical boy’s penis and girl’s genitals. However, psychoanalytic scholars believe that the development of children’s sexuality does not come suddenly through “youth,” but from birth, in all stages of infancy, toddlers and children