古代汉语是文史类专业的一门重要基础课。本课程包括三个内容:文选、常识、常用词。这三个内客都很重要,都是达到“提高阅读古书能力”这一目的所不可或缺的环节。但由于条件所限,这个“提示”只能顾及讲授的内容,而且,即使是讲授部分,也只能简择其要。这样做,于常识部分影响不算大,对于文选,象现在这种提示,巳经是保留了不能再行删削的内容。这难免有以偏概全之憾,但也只能如此。文选既然是整个古汉语教学的中心环节,尤其是第一学期,“要求”又仅停留在“把所学过的知识运用到学习教材中的文选”这样一个层次上,对文选的提示就是必要的。同学们把它看作是一个“示范”,以便在文选的学习中能有所遵循,并能据此推及对全篇的熟练掌握。 此外,文选的自学篇以及常用词,不能在这里涉及。但过去都有过比较明确的原则,这个阙漏只能有赖大家在辅导老师的帮助下补上了。
Ancient Chinese is an important basic course of literature and history. This course includes three elements: anthology, common sense, common words. These three guests are all important, all of which are indispensable for the purpose of “improving the ability to read ancient books.” However, due to the limited conditions, this “hint” can only take into account the content of the lectures, and even the lectures part can only be simplified. In doing so, it does not make a big impact on the common sense. For the election, as it is now, it is already reserved for those who can no longer be deleted. This is inevitably over-simplified regret, but only so. Since the anthology of literature is the central link in the teaching of ancient Chinese, especially in the first semester, the “requirement” is only at the level of “the anthology of learned knowledge used in learning materials”. The clue to the anthology is necessary of. Students see it as a “model” in order to be able to follow the study of the anthology, and can thus be based on the introduction and proficiency. In addition, the anthology of self-study articles and commonly used words, can not be involved here. However, in the past, there were clear principles that could only be supplemented by the help of counselors.