英国青年设计师Richard Brendon(理察德·布伦登)是当代日用瓷青年设计师的杰出代表,他的作品新颖而精美,略有复古气息,细看又富有摩登风尚。今年年初时,Richard接受了《中国陶瓷设计》杂志的专访,让读者们认识了这位英俊的英国青年设计新锐。10月,Richard带着品牌的新产品“Speck系列”再次同读者们见面,也令喜爱他同名品牌的粉丝们能有机会大饱眼福。
British young designer Richard Brendon (Richards Brenden) is an outstanding contemporary young porcelain designers, his works novel and beautiful, slightly retro atmosphere, look and full of modern style. At the beginning of this year, Richard accepted an interview with China Ceramic Design magazine, letting readers know this handsome new British youth design. In October, Richard met his readers once again with the brand new “Speck Series”, giving fans who like his brand the same name.