
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lutaixiaoxin
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近年来,越来越多的人选择投入大自然,走进田园。正因这种需求,我们的传统农村产业也顺应市场做出调整,这一乡村旅游形式,几乎包括多种功能需求、多样环境需求、多层次结构需求的旅游项目。市场是巨大的,但也要清醒的看到,目前本地区乡村游还处于初期阶段,还存在战略规划不够清晰,基础配套不够完善,接待管理不够成熟,宣传推广不够长远等诸多问题。本文通过典型村镇的实地调研,分析提出该地区农村产业与乡村旅游整合的设想。 In recent years, more and more people choose to invest nature and go to the countryside. As a result of this demand, our traditional rural industry is also adapting to the market adjustment. This rural tourism form includes almost all kinds of tourism projects with various functional requirements, diverse environmental needs and multi-level structural needs. The market is huge, but we must also be soberly aware that the current rural tourism in the region is still in its infancy. There are still many problems such as lack of a clear strategic plan, inadequate basic facilities, inadequate reception and management, and long-term promotion. Based on the field investigation of the typical villages and towns, this article analyzes the ideas of the integration of rural industries and rural tourism in this area.
在泰安环山路的北坡,有一座建于1500多年前的古刹普照寺。它位于凌汉峰前,峰峦环抱,一涧低流,苍松翠柏掩映。庙宇依山层递而上,是泰山一组完整的佛教寺院建筑群。  普照寺以双重扇门,大雄宝殿及摩松楼为中轴线,组成四进式院落,东西配殿庑、禅房、花园等。  然而,普照寺的精华并不是它的建筑,普照寺的主题甚至也不是佛。真正让人流连忘返,发思古之幽情,兴无尽之禅思的,是两棵古松。  著名的“六朝松”,粗大伟