体外震波碎石术(ESWL)系一种用于治疗肾结石有效的非侵入性技术,但有致肾损害的危险。作者报道一例67岁男性于1989年3月因左肾单一结石遂用ESWL(Dornier HM_3),每次治疗需1800次震波,10天后加1350次震波;患者因肾盂积脓于1975年摘除右肾。治疗前患者血清肌酐水平轻度增高(105uwol/L),在ESWL后短暂增高。7个月后患者因发热和左侧腰痛且无任何肺受累体征而入院。全部细菌学和病毒学检验皆阴性。静脉肾盂造影未发现梗阻。在10天内患者血清肌酐从147增至1074umol/L,而需作血液透析,肾活检示爆炸性肾小球伴完全性絮状
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a noninvasive technique that is effective in the treatment of kidney stones but at the risk of renal damage. The authors report that a 67-year-old man underwent ESWL (Dornier HM_3) with a left kidney single stone in March 1989, requiring 1800 shock waves for each treatment and 1350 shock waves after 10 days; the patient had renal pelvis removed in 1975 for removal of the right kidney . Serum creatinine was mildly elevated (105uwol / L) before treatment and transiently increased after ESWL. After 7 months, the patient was admitted to hospital for fever and left lower back pain without any signs of lung involvement. All bacteriology and virological tests were negative. Intravenous pyelography did not find obstruction. Serum creatinine increased from 147 to 1074 umol / L in 10 days, requiring hemodialysis and renal biopsy to show explosive glomerular integrity