中国预防医学科学院寄生虫病研究所严自助等研制的单克隆抗体Dot—ELISA试剂盒用于诊断血吸虫病人具有很高价值。我们在德阳县寿丰乡作应用试验,初步获得满意结果。 1 试验对象 粪检阳性血吸虫病人;非流行区健康献血员;华枝睾吸虫病人;肺吸虫病人;一个血吸虫病流行区村民及中学几个班的学生。
The Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Institute of Parasitic Diseases and other self-developed monoclonal antibody Dot-ELISA kit for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis patients has a high value. We are in Deyang County, Shoufeng Township for application test, the initial satisfactory results. 1 test subjects stool positive schistosomiasis patients; non-endemic health blood donors; testis chelicera patients; paragonimiasis patients; a schistosomiasis endemic areas villagers and secondary schools in several classes of students.