一根金丝楠木卖出2千万元天价金丝楠木是我国特有的珍稀树种,四季常绿,树干通直,树姿优美,园满,是极好的园林绿化树种。其材质具有千年不腐、不变形、冬暖夏凉、温和幽香,在强光反射下会发出丝丝金光,历史上金丝楠木专用于皇家宫殿、少数寺庙的建筑和家具。在2 0 1 3年,这个传闻中“皇帝御用”的木头已经卖出了一根2千万元的天价,北京古典家具城,一张金丝楠桌子仿制皇家式样,最贵的一张达到
A gold Phoebe sell 2 million yuan astronomical gold Phoebe rare endemic to China tree species, evergreen seasons, the trunk straight, graceful tree posture, garden full, is an excellent landscape tree species. The material has a millennium does not rot, no distortion, warm in winter and cool in summer, mild fragrance, under the glare of reflection will send fishes, the history of Phoebe dedicated to the Royal Palace, a few temples and furniture construction. In 2033, the rumored wood of “Emperor’s Queen” has already sold a sky-high price of 20 million yuan. The classic furniture city of Beijing and a piece of gold-silk table imitate the royal style. The most expensive one reached