工艺标准化是整个企业工艺工作的组成部分,它对企业工艺管理、工艺纪律、工艺水平的提高起着重要的作用。只有搞好企业工艺标准化才能使加强工艺管理、提高工艺水平、严格工艺纪律收到良好的效果。 企业工艺标准化,就是根据国内外工艺技术成就和先进管理方法,并结合生产实际,对工艺工作中的共同性问题、重复使用的方法和要素,
Process standardization is an integral part of the entire company’s process work. It plays an important role in the improvement of process management, process discipline, and process level of the company. Only by doing a good job in the standardization of the company’s processes can it be possible to strengthen the process management, improve the technological level, and strict the discipline of the process to receive good results. Enterprise process standardization is based on domestic and foreign technological achievements and advanced management methods, combined with the actual production, common problems in the process work, methods and elements of repeated use,