人嗜吞噬细胞无形体病(anaplasma phagocytophilum)是由嗜粒细胞无形体引起的一种经蜱传播的新发自然免疫源性疾病,又称人嗜粒细胞无形体病。我院2008年7-10月诊断、治疗4例不明原因头痛、头晕、发热患者,经山东省疾病控制中心明确诊断为人嗜吞噬细胞无形体病。临床资料一、一般资料 1.流行病学资料 4例患者均来自农村,有貂、狐狸、猪、牛、羊.禽等动物养殖或接触史,并在该地区所饲养动物身上检出蜱,但未发现貂、狐狸、猪、牛、羊、禽、鼠等大规模发病或病死,非登革热疫区。患者近期无外地旅游居住史、无食用患病动物乳或肉史;患者之间无密切接触史,当地村民和接诊医护人员均无发病。患者入院后即被隔离,同期住院患者无一例发病。
Anaplasma phagocytophilum is a tick-borne, innate natural immunodeficiency disease caused by anaplastic granulocytes, also known as human anaplastic anaplasmosis. Our hospital from July to October 2008 diagnosis and treatment of 4 cases of unexplained headache, dizziness, fever patients, the Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and diagnosis of human phagocytic phagocytic anaplasmosis. Clinical data First, the general information 1. Epidemiological data 4 patients were from rural areas, there are mink, fox, pig, cattle, sheep, poultry and other animal breeding or exposure history, and in the area animals were seized on the body of ticks, However, no large-scale morbidity or death of deer, foxes, pigs, cattle, sheep, poultry, mice and other non-dengue epidemic areas were found. The patient has no history of living and traveling in the near future, and has no history of eating animal milk or meat; there is no history of close contact between the patients and the local villagers and the attending medical staff are free of any disease. Patients were isolated after admission, no case of hospitalized patients over the same period of onset.