1 case information 1.1 brief case a woman, 46 years old. One day in the detention center was found Tongkou intercourse prisoners foam, into the hospital after gastric lavage died, found in the cosmetic bag has 1 pill, suspected drug poisoning. Extraction of the dead blood, liver, stomach contents and cosmetic bag found in a pill, requiring toxicological analysis test. 1.2 The body examination Abstract Corpse check: Corpse spots were reddish-brown, facial, lips, fingernails cyanosis. Pupil and other large circle, diameter 0.7cm. Body anatomy: head, neck, trachea, sternum, ribs, no abnormalities; no foreign body in the esophagus; lung section rich in blood; the contents of the stomach is brown liquid, the amount of about 50mL, gastric hyperemia significantly, A small amount of bleeding can be seen at. Histopathological examination: pulmonary hemorrhage, congestion, edema; cerebral edema. 1.3 Toxicological analysis test results 0.5% samples / 0.5g, adding internal standard SKF-525A and