Transistor is one of the basic components of electronic circuits. Designers according to the circuit requirements, the circuit transistors were designed to work in the enlarged state, saturated or off state. Once these transistors for some reason abnormal changes in the working state, it will cause circuit malfunction, resulting in electronic products failure. Therefore, by examining the working state of the related transistors in the circuit, analyzing the fault and then locating the fault occurs, it is a common method for maintenance personnel and one of the basic skills that the beginner of electronic technology must master. Transistor amplifier to determine the state of the transistor is working in the enlarged state, its most basic characteristic is the emitter junction (b, e pole) is forward biased, and collector junction (b, c pole) is reverse bias. Taking low power NPN type silicon tube as an example, it shows that V bc = 0.6-0.7 V and V bc <0 V (the specific number