遵照李铁映同志“修志的当务之急是培训人才”、“关键在人才”的指示精神 ,在浙江省教委、宁波市政府及宁波大学校、院领导的关怀和积极支持下 ,宁波大学于 1 998年在文学院历史系开办方志学本科专业 ,旨在为地方培养高素质修志人才 ,以缓解日益突出的方志界后继乏人的窘境。
In accordance with the directives of Comrade Li Tieying’s “top priority of training Chi’s education is to train qualified personnel” and “the key is on qualified personnel”, Ningbo University, under the care and active support of leaders of Zhejiang Provincial Education Commission, Ningbo Municipal Government and Ningbo University, The Department of History of the Faculty of Arts offers a bachelor’s degree major in biographical studies, aiming at cultivating high-quality talents for localities in order to alleviate the increasingly predicament of the latecomers who are increasingly prominent in the field of history.