Between December 21 and December 23 each year, the sun reaches the winter solstice at 270 °. The solstice this year is the lunar month of November 20, and the Gregorian calendar of December 22 is the earliest of 24 solar terms. A solar term. Winter solstice is the most vigorous year, yang the weakest, but also one of the most important solar terms solar terms. “Book of Changes” in the “Winter Solstice Yangsheng ” argument that the solar term operation to the winter solstice this day, the body yang vigorous hair, the most easy to absorb foreign nutrition. Yang who often run clear water at this time, cold hands and feet, prone to frostbite, nocturia frequent, can eat dry ginger, ginseng, cooked aconite, pepper, lamb and so on. Susceptible to chronic bronchitis, chilblains, urinary symptoms such as winter