Patient, male, 25 years old. Hospital number 225848. Due to intermittent liver pain and radiation to the right shoulder, irregular fever 39 ~ 40 °C, loss of appetite, fatigue, abdominal distention after meals for 3 months, hospitalized on September 23, 1987. Physical examination: The body skin and sclera are yellow-free, superficial lymph nodes are not swollen, the heart and lungs are normal, the right upper abdomen is slightly raised, the right costal margin is 3 cm below, and it is medium-hard, blunt, smooth, tender, and not touched by the spleen. No ascites sign. AFP 28μg/L, HBsAg positive. The right chest of the chest rises. CT examination: Right liver cancer (large block type). B-ultrasound: Hepatomegaly, massive heterogeneous heterogeneous space-occupying lesions 10.9 × 8.4 cm in the posterior right lobe. Percutaneous Liver Disease: Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Pathology No. 872873), Symptomatic Treatment After Hospitalization, and 5Fu