Plasma-Particle Transfer Process with Phase-Change\\r\\r\\r\\r\\r\\r\\r\\nand Chemis

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catva
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A numerical model is proposed to analyze mass, momentum, and energy transfer between plasma andparticles in d.c. arc-heated and confined jet reactors at atmospheric pressure. It emphasizes the phasechange and thermal chemistry of particles and includes some other effects such as flow turbulence, gascompressibility and temperature-dependence of the transport properties under the plasma condition.Example calculations for plasma-dissociated zircon process indicate the influences of reactor operationparameters on the plasma jet and particle behavior. A numerical model is proposed to analyze mass, momentum, and energy transfer between plasma and particles in dc arc-heated and confined jet reactors at atmospheric pressure. It emphasizes the phasechange and thermal chemistry of particles and includes some other effects such as flow turbulence, gascompressibility and temperature-dependence of the transport properties under the plasma condition. Example calculations for plasma-dissociated zircon process indicate the influences of reactor operation parameters on the plasma jet and particle behavior.
人物春秋革命文学之星 用文…………姚机(政治喇嘛诺那早期轶事…………陈一石(记陈寅恪师讲学二三事…………华忱之(记传奇人物苏曼殊…-..…………‘邓经武(吴宓与红学……
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