移民事关重大,涉及政治、 经济、环境等诸多方面,细微的失误就会带来极为严重的后果。在吸取了许多惨痛的教训之后,移民问题才引起了广泛的关注,把移民看成是主体工程的一部分而不再是工程的附属内容已是移民实际工作者和理论研究工作者的共识。世行的移民目标是提高、至少是恢复移民原有的经济水平和生活水平;而中国的移民方针是提倡开发性移民,“逐步使移民生活达到或超过原有水平”。 以下的一组文章是移民工作者的实践经验的理论探索,相信可以为达到这样的目标提供可靠的依据和宝贵的经验。
Immigration matters a great deal and involves many aspects such as politics, economy and environment. Subtle mistakes can have extremely serious consequences. After drawing a lot of painful lessons, the issue of immigration has aroused widespread concern. To regard immigrants as part of the main project rather than as a subsidiary of the project has become the consensus of both immigrant and theoretical researchers. The goal of the Bank’s immigration is to improve, at least to restore the original economic level and standard of living of immigrants. China’s immigration policy is to promote the development of immigrants, “gradually making the immigrants live at or above their original level.” The following set of articles is a theoretical exploration of the practical experience of immigrant workers, believing that reliable evidence and valuable experience can be provided to achieve such a goal.