清末科、塔借地之争历时 2 0余年 ,事涉科布多、塔尔巴哈台以及新疆行省等三处地方 ,过程曲折复杂。在哈萨克部落不断涌入边境地区和强邻俄国的威胁下 ,科、塔双方为求自保 ,为达到最终排哈和防俄的目的 ,争相借地以安置哈萨克。借地之争一方面张扬了地方主义情绪 ,助长了边疆大吏的专权态势 ;另一方面还使清廷逐渐认识到了阿尔泰地区的重要地位 ,最终使阿尔泰地位突出 ,设立办事大臣 ,成为一级地方区划 ,哈萨克也因此暂时结束了在中国境内的辗转流徙 ,基本奠定了此后相当长一段时期内哈萨克在我国境内的大致分布格局。
In the late Qing Dynasty, the dispute over the land borrowing from the tower lasted for more than 20 years and involved three places, namely, Kebuduo, Talbahatai and Xinjiang provinces. The process was tortuous and complex. Under the constant influx of Kazakh tribes into the border areas and the strong neighbor of Russia, the two sides are trying to protect themselves and seek to eventually settle Kazakhstan for the purpose of finally draining Kazakhstan and preventing Russia. On the other hand, the Qing court gradually realized the important position of the Altai region, and finally made Altay stand out, and set up the ministers as a first-class place As a result, Kazak also ended the temporary removal of migrants in China and basically laid the pattern for the distribution of Kazakh territory in China for a considerable period thereafter.