Attention is still being focused on benzylisoquinolines and steroids. These two types of muscle relaxants have strong neuromuscular blockade effects without the typical side effects of other muscle relaxants (such as blocking vagal and ganglionic as well as histamine release, etc.) and are metabolized and eliminated more rapidly. Therefore, the role of time is short, no accumulation of spontaneous breathing recovered too fast, very few residual blockade, if necessary, only a small dose of anticholinergic drugs. First, some of the current views of Eclocorne and Vancomycin have broadened the range of clinical use due to the moderating effect of these two new muscle relaxants. Vancomycin (desmetonic or norepinephrine) is a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant that has little effect on cardiovascular activity and therefore has a good future. Eclogulin is a non-depolarizing muscle relaxant that can be fully degraded into inactive metabolites, so when accumulating and acting