“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”这是孔子的一句名言。《史记·孔子世家》里讲叙了一则“孔子学弹琴”的故事,这个故事说明孔子在学习弹琴过程中,能够把“学”和“思”结合起来,真正做到“精益求精”、“融会贯通”。故事内容是这样的: 孔子曾向鲁国的音乐家师襄子学习弹琴。一首乐曲,孔子练了十天,还不打算学新的。师襄子说:“你可以再学一首乐曲了”。孔子说:“我学会了曲谱,还没有掌握技巧。”过了一些时候,师襄子说:“你已经掌握了技巧,可以再学一首乐曲了”。孔子说:“我还没有体会出这首乐曲所表达的思想感情。”又过了一些时候,师襄子说:“你
“Study without thinking is blasphemy, thinking without learning is paralyzed.” This is a famous saying of Confucius. The story of “Confucius learns to play the piano” is described in the “Historical Records of Confucius Family”. This story shows that Confucius was able to combine “learning” and “thinking” in the process of learning to play the piano, truly “excellence”, “ Mastery.” The content of the story is as follows: Confucius learned to play the piano from the musicians of Lu’s musicians. For a piece of music, Confucius had practiced for ten days and he was not planning to learn new ones. The teacher said: “You can learn a piece of music again.” Confucius said: “I learned the score and I haven’t mastered the skills.” After some time, the teacher said: “You already have the skills to learn a piece of music.” Confucius said: “I have not yet realized the thoughts and feelings expressed in this piece of music.” After some time, the teacher said: "You