夏衍是中国文坛的一颗巨星,中 国电影事业的开拓者,著名的剧作家,新闻界的老前辈。我作为一名新闻战线上的后来者,曾经因为采访组稿,与他有过一些交往,受到他的亲切教诲。他的博学多才、思想敏捷、记忆惊人,他的高尚品德、严谨朴实的文风,都令我这个晚辈敬佩不已。 今天哀思这些情景,犹如昨日,历历在目。1985年岁末,我受《了望》编辑部委托,采访夏衍。虽然早在60年代,我就在一些场合听过他的讲话,但像这样面对面地交谈还是不多
Xia Yan is a superstar in the Chinese literary world, a pioneer of the Chinese movie industry, a famous playwright and a veteran of the press. As a latecomer to the news front, I had had some contacts with him during the interview and had his kind teaching. His erudite, agile thinking, astonishing memory, his noble character, rigorous and simple style of writing, I admire this junior admiration. Today, these scenes of grief, as yesterday, vividly. At the end of 1985, I was entrusted by Editorial Department of “Lookout” to interview Xia Yan. Although I spoke to him on some occasions as early as the 1960s, I still do not talk much face to face