眼镜蛇(Naja naja atra)为我国主要毒蛇之一,在华南地区分布很广,对人危害不浅。目前国内外治疗全身性眼镜蛇伤中毒的中西药物虽已有不少,唯伤口局部封闭治疗的有效药物则甚少,本文在胰蛋白酶局部封闭治疗眼镜蛇科毒蛇咬伤的启发下进行了木瓜酶、胃蛋白酶和α-糜蛋白酶局部封闭治疗动物眼镜蛇中毒的实验研究,结果报告如下: 一、实验材料(一) 药物1.木瓜酶(papain):德国E.Merck,AG Darmstadt出品,12,000 E/克干粉(E即酶活力单位)。Eialbumin-Verdanungsverm(?)gen 1:350。2.胃蛋白酶(pepsinum):上海油脂四厂出品,
Cobra (Naja naja atra) is one of the main poisonous snakes in China. It is widely distributed in southern China and is not harmful to humans. At present, there have been many Chinese and Western medicines for the treatment of systemic cobra poisoning at home and abroad. However, there are very few effective medicines for local wound closure treatment. This paper has enzymatically conducted the enzymatic treatment of trypsin in the treatment of cobra snake bites. The experimental study of partial occlusion of pepsin and α-chymotrypsin in the treatment of cobra poisoning in animals was reported as follows: I. Experimental materials (1) Drugs 1. Papain: E. Merck, Germany, AG Darmstadt, 12,000 E/g Dry powder (E is the enzyme activity unit). Eialbumin-Verdanungsverm(?)gen 1:350. 2. Pepsinum: produced by Shanghai Grease Factory