我站共有职工21人,党员4人,团员13人.条件艰苦,年青人多.担负着每日八次定时报,24小时航空报、两次小球测风和自设电台发报的繁重任务.根据这些特点,我们曾在去年结合改革,加强政治思想工作,在职工中开展“有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律”的教育,收到了很好的效果. 一、开展“四有”教育,注意理论联系实际在经济体制改革的新形势下,我们针对年青人喜欢探索、追求,喜欢谈理想的特点,组织开展“四有”教育,进行“把远大理想同现实工作结合起来”的讨论.通过学习讨论和办墙报等形式,启发、引导广大职工树立共产主义理想,发扬主人翁精神,努力做好本职工作.大家认识到理想是我们的精神支柱,是动力,如果没有理想,就没有坚定正确的方向.我们应该有把我国建成具有中国特色的社会主义国家和实现共产主义的雄心
I stand a total of 21 workers, members of the party 4, member 13. Conditions are hard, young people. Be responsible for the daily eight times a newspaper, 24-hour aviation newspaper, two small ball wind measurement and self-styled radio reporting heavy According to these characteristics, we have received very good results in implementing the reform and strengthening political and ideological work in the past year and carrying out the education of “idealistic, ethical, cultural and disciplined” among the staff and workers. With education and paying attention to linking theory with reality Under the new situation of economic restructuring, we have organized the “four positives” education for young people like to explore, pursue and like to talk about their ideals, "Through discussion and discussion of forms of wall newspaper and other forms, we can inspire and guide the vast numbers of workers and staff to establish their ideal of communism, promote their ownership and strive to do their jobs well. We all realize that ideals are our spiritual support and the driving force. If there is no ideal, There is no firm and correct direction, and we should have the ambition to build our country into a socialist country with Chinese characteristics and achieve communism