动态心电图(Dynamic Electrocardiogram,DCG),亦称活动心电图(Ambulatory Electrocardiogram),为美国物理学家 Holter 实验室于1957年首先研制,报告和提出的,故通常亦称为 Holter 监测。由于它能连续监测记录24~72小时人体在安静或活动情况下的心电图衍变,通过快速扫描,可回顾性监测,为临床诊断和治疗提供极为有用的医学信息,故已成为当代心脏非创伤性诊断检查的重要手段;在国内外已日趋普
Dynamic Electrocardiogram (DCG), also known as Ambulatory Electrocardiogram, was first developed, reported and proposed by Holter Laboratory of the United States in 1957 and is often referred to as Holter Monitoring. Because it can continuously monitor and record the electrocardiogram evolution of the human body in a quiet or active state recorded from 24 to 72 hours, it can be retrospectively monitored through rapid scanning, which provides extremely useful medical information for clinical diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, it has become a contemporary noninvasive Diagnostic tests an important means at home and abroad have become increasingly common