Objective: To discuss the diagnosis and managementof traumatic carotid cavernous fistula (TCCF).Methods: In all 15 patients with TCCF confirmed byangiography, 8 patients got early diagnosis and cure. WithSeldinger technique adpoted in the puncture of femoralartery, Magic 3 F-1.8 F BD catheters combining withballoon were used to embolize the fistula or the internalcarotid artery.Results: Early diagnosis and cure were achieved in 8patients within one week and no sequelae occurred. Sevenpatients with delayed diagnosis who were cured beyond oneweek had some sequelae such as hypopsia in 5 cases,incomplete oculomotor paralyses in 3 and incompleteabducent paralyses in 2. Among all the 15 cases, theinternal carotid artery was preserved in 12 cases acountingfor 80%. Occluding the fistula with sacrifice of the internalcarotid artery was performed in 3 cases and no repatency of the fistula occurred by following up beyond three months.Conclusions: The preferred therapy for TCCF is toocclude the fistula using detachable balloon. The diagnosisand treatment for TCCF can significantly reduce occurrencerate of the complications and sequelae.