第二次世界大战期间,鉴于盟军运输舰艇在大洋上被德军潜艇累累击沉,美国海军决定用潜艇从水下运送兵力和物资,于1944年将一艘老式作战艇改装成水下运输潜艇,取名为“海狮”号,这便是世界上最早的运输潜艇。 由于水下运输潜艇活动隐蔽,有攻其不备、出奇制胜之效,且水下运输不受气象和水文等条件的影响,在登陆作战中能够增加登陆成功的可能性,因此,水下运输潜艇出现之后,立即引起了人们的极大关注。1958年,美国正式建造了世界上第一艘水下运输潜艇“灰鲸”号。“灰鲸”号在
During the Second World War, given that the Allied transport warships were heavily sunk by the German submarines on the oceans, the U.S. Navy decided to use submarines to transport its troops and supplies from underwater. In 1944, an old combat ship was converted into a submarine for underwater transport , Named “Sea Lion” number, which is the world’s first transport submarine. Submarine submarine submarine activities due to hidden, there is attack, unprepared, surprising success, and underwater transport from weather and hydrological conditions, the landing operations can increase the likelihood of landing success, therefore, after the emergence of underwater transport submarines, Immediately attracted the great attention of people. In 1958, the United States officially built the world’s first underwater submarine “Gray Whale”. Gray whale is on