Silicone nephropathy is a rare disease. Mainly seen in coal mines and iron ore workers. This article reports the first case of a dental technician. Male, 55 years old, has 25 years as a denture, good at making dentures with ceramic. Lower extremity edema five years ago, proteinuria: 4g / 24h, urinary sediment was normal, normal renal function. Four years ago appeared hard after breathing difficulties, chest X-ray showed emphysema, axillary mesh and nodular changes, admitted by admission. Laboratory results: blood urea 30mmol / L, creatinine 540umol / L, potassium 7.4mmol / L, plasma bicarbonate 15mmol / L, hemoglobin 7.9g / dl. RIA: rheumatoid factor, cold globulin, antinuclear antibodies, anti-ADN antibodies and anti-basal membrane antibodies are obvious. Hemolytic complement check normal. Cyclic immune complex positive. Renal ultrasound was normal. Histological examination showed two-thirds of glomeruli completely hardenable hyalinized. The remaining glomeruli have scattered capillaries