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教师社会角色的特殊性决定了其专业发展程度将会有极为深刻的影响。因而,教师自身的发展态度以及发展状况至关重要。然而,传统意义上根据上级指定的目标来督促教师的发展在实际中并不能产生多大实效,指令流于形式和口号的状况也是时有发生的。在此背景之下来研究教师的自我设计和自我评价,探讨如何实现教师的主动发展就具有重要的现实意义了。本文将从分析教师自我设计与评价的意义入手,介绍其内容并探寻其中可能存在的几点问题。 The particularity of teachers’ social roles determines the extent of their professional development will have a profound impact. Therefore, teachers’ own development attitude and development status are of utmost importance. However, in the traditional sense, it is not always practical to urge teachers’ development according to the goals specified by the higher authorities. The flow of instructions in forms and slogans also happens from time to time. Under this background, it is of great practical significance to study teachers’ self-design and self-evaluation and to explore how to realize the active development of teachers. This article will start with the analysis of the significance of teachers’ self-design and evaluation, introduce their contents and explore some possible problems in them.
一    在中国历史发展的长河中,农学是一门不可或缺的学科,而植物学是农学中一项非常重要的门类,某种程度上甚至可以说是农业生产的基础。西晋王朝高级官吏嵇含,系我国乃至世界著名的植物学专家。他终其一生的最大成就,是汇集了我国岭南甚至域外之植物,分门别类,编写成著名植物学专著《南方草木状》。该书详细记载了草、木、果、竹四类植物,为我国的农业、园林以及传统医学等方面,积累了知识和经验。特别是书中所载生物