
来源 :教育科研论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:itfwfp
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回顾一年多的教学,一直让我感到困惑的问题是:如何才能提高课堂的有效性?有时我认真准备的一堂课,却因为嘈杂的课堂纪律或学生的心不在焉而未能得到预期的效果。课堂上经常会出现这样的情形:我明明指出这样说是不可以的,可学生发言时却我行我素,照说不误;一个学生发言结束,让其他学生复述时却不知所以然,只好硬着头皮另起炉灶乱说一 Looking back over more than a year of teaching, the question that has puzzled me has always been: How can we improve the effectiveness of the classroom? Sometimes a lesson I prepared seriously failed to achieve the expected results due to noisy classroom discipline or a student’s absent-mindedness. It is often the case in the classroom that I made it clear that this is not possible, but when I speak, I can not explain it in a wrong way. When one student speaks to the end and let the rest of the students repeat it, I do not know why. A random talk