本刊讯:由中国建材工程建设协会组织的“建材工程建设业信息化实施方法与重难点分析暨典型案例经验交流会”于201 2年4月1 6日在上海召开。来自行业的近30多位代表和专家参加了会议。会议邀请中国建筑科学研究院研究员黄如福作为主讲专家,他以“理性、科学推进企业信息化建设”为主题,由浅入深、从宏观理论到具体实践,言简意赅的进行了讲授。既从理论上传达了信息化建设的重要意义,
The newsletter: organized by the China Building Materials Engineering Construction Association “building materials engineering construction industry information implementation methods and heavy and difficult points analysis and typical case experience exchange meeting ” in 201 2 April 16 held in Shanghai. Nearly 30 representatives and experts from the industry attended the meeting. The conference invited Huang Rufu, a researcher at the China Academy of Building Research, as his keynote speaker. With the theme of “rational and scientific promotion of enterprise informatization construction”, he gave a succinct introduction from macro theory to concrete practice. Both from theory to convey the importance of information technology,