
来源 :中国花卉盆景 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qqboygogogogo
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大王万年青是天南星科花叶万年青属多年生常绿草本观叶植物。其株茎粗壮挺拔,叶片厚实、肥大,且主脉两侧具乳黄色斑块,十分典雅气派,装点居室,极富生趣。不过,成株在莳养2~3年后,茎干会明显过高,下部常常脱叶呈光杆,又不易长出侧芽,很影响观赏效果,必须更新。可采用单芽茎段和茎顶插穗分别用水插的办法,这样一次更新,可有效地获得多株子 King Evergreen is a southern evergreen Branchia evergreen herb evergreen herb foliage plants. Its stalks stout tall and straight, thick leaves, hypertrophy, and the main vein on both sides with milk yellow patches, very elegant style, decorate the bedroom, very interesting. However, the adult plant in raising 2 to 3 years later, the stem will be significantly higher, the lower part of the leaves are usually light pole, and not easy to grow lateral buds, it affects the viewing effect, it must be updated. Can be single bud stem and cuttings stems were plugged with water, so that an update can be effective to obtain more strains
一个人是否诚实守信,不仅是其他人对他的道德评价,也将是其在各种经济活动中的重要砝码。 Whether a person is honest and trustworthy is not only the moral evaluation