外阴癌是老年病,偶而可见于年轻妇女。它不是常见的肿瘤,只占全部女性生殖系肿瘤之3—4%。95%病灶来源于鳞状上皮。局部蔓延沿着预测的途径,远处转移只在局部控制不住的晚期才发生。在1939年外阴癌的治愈率低到15%。Taussig在美国、Stanley Way在英国首先开拓对该病的新认识,指明广泛地切除外阴及腹股沟淋巴腺或盆腔淋巴腺治疗本病显著地提高存活率。目前报道的采用外阴及双侧腹股沟淋巴腺切除术后五年存活率占全部病例的60%。这些病例没有淋巴腺转移者五年治愈率为85%,而有淋巴腺转移者则为30%。外阴癌的放射治疗并不很成功。1972年
Vulvar cancer is a disease of the elderly, occasionally seen in young women. It is not a common tumor, only 3-4% of all female germline tumors. 95% of lesions originate from squamous epithelium. Localized Spreads Along the way of prediction, distant metastases occur only in later, uncontrollable areas. In 1939 the cure rate of vulvar cancer is as low as 15%. Taussig In the United States, Stanley Way first pioneered the new understanding of the disease in the United Kingdom, indicating that extensive excision of the vulva and inguinal lymph nodes or pelvic lymphadenopathy significantly improves survival. Currently reported using vulvar and bilateral inguinal lymph node resection five-year survival rate of 60% of all cases. Five-year cure rates for these cases without lymph node metastasis were 85%, compared with 30% for those with lymph node metastases. Radiation therapy of vulvar cancer is not very successful. 1972