心肌动作电位是由细胞膜上的离子通道有规律地开放、关闭引起的。心室肌除极时间短,影响因素少,较稳定;复极时间长,影响因素多,稳定性差。心室复极是心脏电活动的一个重要阶段,复极过程中一些微小干扰即有可能触发心律失常。心电图是临床上最常用和最简便的检测心室复极不一致性的方法。常用的衡量心室复极稳定性的心电学指标有 QTc 间期、QTd、QT/RR 斜率、Tp-Te 间期、Tp-Te 间期/QT、QRS-T 夹角和 VG 等。这些指标已被广泛用于临床各种疾病的风险评估,现就上述指标的研究进展作一综述。“,”Myocardial action potential results from the regular opening and closing of ion channels on the cell membrane.Different from depolarization,the repolarization of ventricular muscle goes through a long period,influenced by many factors and thus performs poor stability.Ventricular repolarization is an important stage in electrical activities of the heart.Even micro interference in the process may trigger ar-rhythmia.Electrocardiogram is the most commonly used and convenient method of detecting the incon-sistency of ventricular repolarization.Several electrocardiographic indicators such as corrected QT inter-val,QTd,QT/RR,Tp-Te,Tp-Te /QT,QRS-T angle and VG are frequently used to evaluate the stabili-ty of ventricular repolarization.These indicators are used extensively in the risk evaluation of various dis-eases clinically.This paper reviews on the research progress of the above indicators.